Hemp Embroidered Tote Bag: My Other Bags Are Prada

Women hemp embroidered tote bag: My Other Bags Are Prada
Very light and comfortable.
Ecological 100% hemp fabric.
Great for everyday use
It has a beautiful message embroidered on the hemp fabric: My Other Bags Are Prada
Roomy tote bag with one spacious compartment and an interior pocket.
Make this shopping tote your new grocery bag, library tote, or beach tote!
Naturally hygienic and antibacterial, fully washable and reusable.
Measurements: 45cm x 40cm

94.00 lei

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Women hemp embroidered tote bag: My Other Bags Are Prada
Very light and comfortable.
Ecological 100% hemp fabric.
Great for everyday use
It has a beautiful message embroidered on the hemp fabric: My Other Bags Are Prada
Roomy tote bag with one spacious compartment and an interior pocket.
Make this shopping tote your new grocery bag, library tote, or beach tote!
Naturally hygienic and antibacterial, fully washable and reusable.
Measurements: 45cm x 40cm

Proiect finanţat cu fonduri europene nerambursabile prin Programul Naţional de Dezvoltare Rurală (PNDR).

Programul Naţional de Dezvoltare Rurală este implementat de Agenția pentru Finanțarea Investițiilor Rurale, din subordinea Ministerului Agriculturii și Dezvoltării Rurale. PNDR este finanţat de Uniunea Europeană şi Guvernul României prin Fondul European Agricol pentru Dezvoltare Rurală.